Tasty Green, 100% organically grown fruit. This means that only plant and animal materials have been used during cultivation. The pot and the label are made of recycled plastic and are therefore a clean solution for the environment.
‘Rubus Phoenicolasius’ is a Japanese wineberry. It is a decorative climbing plant that also has delicious fruit. The Japanese wineberry originates from Japan and is closely related to blackberry and raspberry. The fruits are red and are most tasty when freshly picked. The fruits have a somewhat bland, fresh, sweet-sour taste and are very rich in vitamins. They feel somewhat sticky. The darker the colour, the more flavour they have. The stems of the Japanese wineberry have stiff hairs and are red in colour, which give the plant an exotic appearance. Each year, the berry blooms on the wood of the previous year and makes new branches every year, which bear fruit the following year. The wood that has borne fruit can be pruned in the winter and the new branches can remain in place during the winter. The Japanese wineberry flowers every year in May and June. Bees and bumblebees love this plant when it blooms. The harvest is in July and August. It likes a sunny spot and prefers humus-rich, moist soil.
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B2B B2CTasty Green, 100% organically grown fruit. This means that only plant and animal materials have been used during cultivation. The pot and the label are made of recycled plastic and are therefore a clean solution for the environment. ‘Rubus Phoenicolasius’ is a Japanese wineberry. It is a decorative climbing plant that also has delicious fruit. […]
Japanese wineberry
Orange-reddish fruits
Beautiful exotic appearance
Very tasty fruits
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