‘Rubus Thornless Loganberry’ is a loganberry, which is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. This is a thornless variant of the loganberry. It has elongated fruits, black-red in colour that are larger than raspberries. The taste is between that of raspberry and blackberry, very aromatic and a little sour. The fruits are ripe between the end of July and September. Delicious to eat straight from the plant, but also for jam, wine or desserts. Just as with the raspberry and blackberry, the branch of the loganberry that has borne the fruit dies. This can be cut off in the winter. The young branches that remain will bear fruit the following year. The plant prefers a place in the sun. The more sun it gets, the better the fruits will ripen. The plant needs support, as the branches are too weak to stand upright. Therefore, tie them to a climbing frame, wall or fence.
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B2B B2C‘Rubus Thornless Loganberry’ is a loganberry, which is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. This is a thornless variant of the loganberry. It has elongated fruits, black-red in colour that are larger than raspberries. The taste is between that of raspberry and blackberry, very aromatic and a little sour. The fruits are ripe […]
Thornless loganberry
Aromatic taste
Hybrid between blackberry and raspberry
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